
The Kindergarten is a preschool early educational approach where young children learn to be without their parents/family, where they learn as they play, sing, dance and do activities with their Teacher and fellow students. In the process, we educate their beautiful hearts to bring out the best smiles as they arrive at school in the morning till they leave the school. The Kindergarten (KG) Section at KENEDY has been divided into four stages.

• Play Group: 2-3 year

• Nursery: 2 ½ - 3 ½ years

• Lower Kindergarten: (LKG/KG1/PP1), age group: 3 ½ years and above

• Upper Kindergarten: (UKG/KG2/PP2), age group: 4 ½ years and above

The main objectives


• To develop adequate muscular co-ordination and basic motor skill in the child.

• To develop good health habits and to build up basic skills necessary for personal adjustments.

• To develop emotional maturity by guiding the child to express, understand, accept and control his feelings and emotions.

• To develop good desirable social attitudes, manners and to encourage healthy group participation.

• To stimulate the child’s beginning of intellectual curiosities concerning his/her immediate environment.

• To encourage the child’s independence and creativity by providing him/her with sufficient opportunities.